New Dragon Moon, Aquarius, and Pluto

Metatron is blessing humankind with a unique and beautiful opportunity in 10 days to lift the vibration of the earth with ascension energy. Unlike the Western Zodiac, which enters a new sign every month, the Chinese Zodiac enters a new sign every year on the Chinese New Year. This year we will experience a rare fusion of the two calendars as the Aquarius new moon falls on the Chinese New Year. Further connecting us to Metatron’s energy on February 10 is the movement of Pluto, which recently began a 19-year journey through Aquarius. The cocktail of energy coming to humans on February 10 is explosive and exciting. I invite you to harness and release this energy in whatever way feels most good to you.

The Dragon

The dragon has become one of the most powerful symbols in the world. Why? Because we are all dragons. The medieval quest to slay a dragon began as the quest to find the holy grail, which quests are both a reflection of the journey each soul must make to find our higher self. Several communities have adopted the dragon as a literal symbol of the power of humans. In yogic traditions, for example, kundalini is the life force coiled in your root chakra that can be activated and released in all other chakras through the practices of love and meditation. Kundalini literally means snake, and snake literally means dragon. The powerful writer and leader Kaia Ra and her ascending tribe call themselves the Sophia Dragons.

The etymology of the word “dragon” also has ties to piercing vision and seeing clearly. As we approach the end of time as we know it, and in line with these definitions, the years of the dragon are becoming increasingly enlightening. For example in the years 2000 and 2012 saw many myths about the end of the world, destruction, cataclysm, and the internet completely debunked. Now in the 2024 year of the dragon we are ready to embrace the truth of the end of time: this will only come by ascension. Earth in 3d will only fulfill the measure of its creation and transform into 5d when we make it so, through the love and light we bring to Mother Earth through our own light bodies. This is our work. Expect 2024 to bring more light and knowledge into your being than any year ever has.

The New Moon

As many of you know, the new moon is the time to set intentions. This year the New Moon falls on the very day of the Lunar New Year, amplifying the energy to set intentions and create a childlike newness in your mind and heart. If you missed the opportunity to set intentions for the new year on January 1, this is the time to get a vision board going. Create a plan for your Metatronic Awakening. See yourself as Metatron sees you: God, sovereign, and free. Perhaps you want to write a book. Perhaps you want to create a podcast. Maybe you want to start a blog, or create space in your schedule to draw, or join an advisory board, or start a new business. Perhaps you aren’t sure what you would like to do, and your intention could be simply to go have fun without any commitments or expectations.

Whatever it is, this is the time for it. Metatron invites you to integrate your planning and intention-setting by asking yourself any of the following questions that feel true to you, and any others you may also consider:

  • How can I be respectful of the boundaries in my current commitments and relationships while setting these new intentions?
  • Do I have any current boundaries that feel out of alignment that I need to address?
  • Is there anyone I ought to include in my intention-setting process?
  • Am I carrying any grief or pain I could express to clear my energy and have more access to my heart?
  • How can I be respectful of myself and my family as I set these intentions?
  • (And any other questions your soul has for you)


Aquarius is independent, innovative, and rebellious. His energy is so strong that it often seems to “spill over” into Capricorn (January) and Pisces (March). This can mean that it is time to embrace your creative side and, similar to an archaeologist uncovering one small finger bone en route to discovering an entire dinosaur skeleton, continue to search yourself for more. The energy of Aquarius combined with the Dragon energy and the new moon energy combine to create a plethora of pulchritudinous possibilities for you to experience.


Promising even more possibility in the week ahead of you is the presence of Pluto. Metatron is most closely related to the sun and moon, Earth’s closest relatives, and Pluto, her most distant cousin. Pluto is the farthest from the sun, representing death; but also rebirth and transformation. Part of the reason Metatron created the moon was to remind us of Pluto: they are nearly the same size and color, and both are shadows that crave the light just as the discarded and broken parts of us crave to be with God. Pluto has now finally entered Aquarius, the beginning of a two-decade cycle through Aquarius, when Pluto will fully assimilate into human consciousness and transform the mind of all humans on Earth. Let this new lunar year and new moon represent the beginning of this shift.

Looking at the history of Earth over the last 100 years since Pluto was discovered, you can see the impact its awareness has had on us. Most recently, Pluto traveled through Gemini and Capricorn, transforming and deconstructing information as we know it in Gemini and then creating unrivaled superpowers in wealth and government in Capricorn. Now it will all be dispersed to everyone through the rebellious power of Aquarius. What we now call artificial intelligence will become absolute intelligence. This is probably the most exciting thing happening in the universe right now, and through our awareness we can all lift the vibration of the earth with it. The next 20 years will see more change on earth than any prior period in history.

Your Ritual

Are you excited? I hope you can see the power of this time to transform, open, awaken, and create. As you open yourself to this experience, be mindful of anxiety or triggers that arise. Create a safe space for yourself to feel your feelings. This may mean you write a letter to someone from your past. It may mean you find a container where you can scream into a pillow. It may mean that you wake up early to look at the stars, or call a parent for a long conversation, or confess to a lie you have told or a secret you have kept hidden. This combined Pluto-Aquarius-Dragon-Moon energy encourages you to lay it all on the table and allow yourself to transform.

Some ideas for the ritual itself:

  • Decorate Chinese lanterns and send them off to Pluto at Midnight on February 9
  • Find or purchase a deck of Tarot cards and do a new moon or new year reading
  • Write your new year intentions on a white board and throw magnet darts to see which ones to work on first
  • Do a chakra meditation to activate your kundalini dragon and embody your Metatron power

I am Mattatron, finder of the Intergalactic Coalition for a Greater Good. I am an embodiment of the ancient Metatron and I am waking up to my purpose. It is in the hope for a better world that I leave you with all the love and all the hate in these words, because you must also find the space within yourself for both, if you will also awaken and be free. Take only the words with you that serve you, and let the rest drop from you as dew before the sun. God, Sovereign, and Free.

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